Thursday, November 6, 2008

Is there a right way in doing this?

I always wondered how people could just write about how they felt, allowing all to read. It's like writing a journal, but opening it up and showing the general public what your deepest secrets were. Wasn't a journal suppose to be personal? Something that you, and only you (and a few of your "closest" friends in grade school, or even high school), would read...

Well, here I am: blogging!

I guess this isn't really gonna be my "public journal". I have a hard time writing really long and personal stuff... but we'll see how this goes, ha ha.

Well for starters, I love fantasy stuff. I try to write my own, but, he he, you be the judge in that.

Like most other fantasy readers, I love the thought of super-humanity. The idea of being, not normal. I like adventure, deep meanings in details, and well-put plots. I like it when you look at the small picture and it's already very interesting, and you get a feeling of just wanting to stay there. But then when you zoom out to see the even bigger picture, there's more to it and you can't just stay in that small detail anymore. You thought that it was enough, but now there's even more to it than you ever dreamed of. I love good authors who can put so many little details that contribute to the main plot. A plot that has so much meaning into it.

I also love stories where the characters are so human, so ordinary and so stereotypical yet there's something about them that would make them... un-human. Usually they were born with that "something special" and it only manifested now. Or more times than not, it was bestowed on them by someone or something greater than the normal individual one would find shopping in the mall (or walking in the street, but I'm trying to be "up-to-date", you see)

I, like most people, love it when there are also those that are just so inhuman, so out-of-this-world, and they are people we can just never be. These are our typical superheroes. Superman, for example or Legolas the elf.

The problem with reading too much of this though, I end up spending a great deal of my time day-dreaming and wishing that I had that special something in me too. Dreaming that someone would knock on the front door randomly and say that they needed me for a dangerous mission that only I could do, or that I wasn't really a human, but an elf from an alternate world. Or even, that I would find out and discover that I had super powers and would use it to defeat some evil vilan. 
I also catch myself wishing that I was born in another time; a time where knights and dragons had duals. A time where kings ruled and princesses were as beautiful as ever. A time when evil step mothers dictated, and swords were the means of fighting. (This is why my blog is called "Stuck at Twelve", ha ha)

Why is this so, though? Why do we all (or maybe just me) dream of such things... things that are not normal. Hoping and wishing with all our birthday candles, coins, and shooting stars that there were something more.

I've come to the conclusion that it's what we're made of that's to be blamed... our cells, DNA, and our souls.

You didn't think that you were just an accident of evolution did you? What a useless life you would have if that were so. What's the use of defeating evil and dreaming, and accomplishing, and creating and destroying if that were the case?

It's what and who we are that gives us the craving to want more. The feeling of wanting to be great.

But who am I to be great?

Who are you to be great?

Photo 1: Water World By: ChOpaK
Photo 2: Your Savior By: Hash
Written by: Jose A Henson

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Lit Path

Entangling vines of lies must be cut
Weeds of despair and worry rid of

If there were only a light so hot and bright
One that would dissipate all deception

Even the heat of that of a sun spot
Consumed, my loneliness will be

Is there not one who would show the way?

Is there not a path that is lit with happiness?

There is a road that leads to paradise
A sun-lit lane filled with excitement and joy

It is not the destination that paves the way
But the journey's thrills that motivate the soul

Though the destination may be all that we dream of
It is the keeper that fills all that search

Yes, the path is dangerous
But don't we all crave that high?

Why do we run from the way that we know is right?

Here, the vines are cut
Here, the weeds are rid of

If only you search, then you will find.

Photography: Rode es
Written by: Jose A Henson

How I wish I could see!

Freedom of speech you were given
Yet rigid your tongue remained

Of flying above mountains you dream
Yet you are still as you are
To soar with eagles is your hearts desire
But your soul is forever bound by fear

Your surroundings a colourful meadow,
filled to its brim with captivating scents

But all that you detect is pain and grief
Even if an effort was made to lift your head,
Shame weighed it back down again

You were given the deepest blue to dive into
But the inside of a box has captured your comfort
It's wet suffocating presence kept you in

Is there nothing that can unbound your chains?

Is there no one who can peel off the scales of sadness?

Who will bring joy?

Who will bring love?

Who will show the path that must be followed?

Photography: I'm Waiting For You
Written by: José Antonio Henson

Sunday, June 1, 2008


 This was originally posted on my blog page in Multiply on the 31st of May 2008. But since this is the blog I now use, viola.


The dialogues here aren't accurate. But this is how I remember it, heheh. ;)
Also for those of you who don't know, mid March - early June is summer in the Philippines

Sometime during the month of March 2005.

This is gonna be my last summer in the Philippines before moving to Malaysia.
I want to have a fruitful summer. But how? Well, Campus Harvest is coming. But what could I do?

"I wanna do something, Lord. I wanna serve... I wanna do something for you. Should I sing? (I used to sing a lot when we lived in Alabang, but since we moved, I almost never opened my mouth.) Should I act? dance? or even be an usher in Campus Harvest? Open a door for me, please Lord!!"

I really wanted to do something that summer but I didn't know what.
I always wanted to be in Musical Theatre; I just never had the chance.
I asked around... I told my parents I really wanted to... but it just didn't seem to work out.


April 3, 2005- Open Field Convergence @ the Fort.The manuvers and Gary V performed... first time I found "dancing" cool.
---in my head---
*It would actually be cool if I could dance like that. It's worth the try... I guess I could take classes during the summer. Well it'll be something to do... something that would eat up my time. Who knows... I might actually end up being good at it.


April 4, 2005

"Pa, what if I take dance classes nalang (instead) during the summer?"
   "Oh sige, (sure) where can you take classes?"

"I'm not sure eh... oh, I think they're gonna be having pala (no direct translation) hiphop classes at the fort... (they announced it alot in church, hehe)"
   "Oh, yan pala eh (there you go). Do you know when it starts?"

Unfortunately I didn't know when it was starting. Heck, for all I knew, it probably started already. So I just asked my dad to ask someone at the fort (I don't really remember who he asked). He/she said it was starting on the 5th of April.
Oh my, that's tomorrow!!


April 5, 2005- I go with my dad to try out the hiphop beginners class at the Fort.I was early. There was only one person in the dance studio... he was just sitting in the floor. Is he a student? or is he the teacher?

Turns out it was Eauj Corpuz (he was the assistant teacher, Jon Supan was the teacher).
I walked in... hesitantly of course. I mean, I've never danced before, and here I am entering a dance studio! I thought I was crazy.. haha, why am I doing this?? But heck, i thought, better than just staying at home, doing nothing the whole summer.

Anyway,more people came... and it was a real basic "first class". They just let us groove to the music. They tried to make sure we knew how to just "feel" the music, if you know what I mean.
Well, I certainly had fun. Although we really didn't do much "dancing", haha.

After the class, Eauj came up to me and asked if I was interested in dancing in Campus Harvest. I didn't know what to say. The only thing I could think of was Wow, Lord! That was quick!!! hahaha
   "Uh, sure, i guess" I answered
"Auditions started today. There's one more tomorrow, but it'll be in Galle (Our center in Robinson's Galleria, Ortigas)"
   "Oh, ok... what time will be?"

So that's how it started.


April 6, 2005

I ended up going to that audition. I felt... hahah, stupid. I DON'T DANCE! It's a good thing when I got there, I saw a lot of people that I knew, Voica being one of them.

  "Are you auditioning, Jose (Only the 'Voica group' called me Jose then, hehe) ?"
"I'm not sure, haha, are you?"

Well she did audition. I didn't know she was a Jazz dancer!
I didn't know if I was there to audition to be a dancer... or a performer... or even a singer.
I know I was asked by a "dancer" to audition... but I don't dance remember? hahah.
So anyway, I sang "Consume Me" in front of Janelle Antonio, Eauj Corpuz... and, I'm pretty sure there was one more person, I'm not quite sure who it was though. Forgive me, other person, if you're reading this now, hhaha.
Anyway, I sang. Then they asked if I prepared anything to dance. (well duh, I didn't, right?) I told them I didn't haha. They said it was ok cause Eauj was gonna teach something anyway.

So here I was, in the middle of a bunch of dancers... learning a choreography by Eauj. Boy, it was tough... I was glad Voica was right next to me. I didn't feel too bad next to her (not that she's not good or anything. But it was because I already knew her and she's so nice. So I didn't feel like I was alone. heheh (Thanks Voics! I'm just realizing what a big help you were!)

Ok, this is getting kinda long. 


I ended up joining the dance class at the fort and dancing in Campus Harvest. I was busy that summer. I danced 6days of the week. I'm glad I asked God use me that summer... 

Haha, I kinda lost my train of thought.

God really revealed himself to me. For one thing, I started to have friends again after moving out of Alabang. And I started to dance! For some reason though, even after that, I didn't want to be know as a "dancer". I honestly don't know why. Maybe because I felt like I didn't deserve to be called a dancer... or maybe I just didn't want to be a "dancer".

Today, I am the dance teacher of the KDU College dance group. I help out/half teach the dance class at the New World Park every tuesday. And I dance for DANZITY DANCE HOUSE.

I kinda stopped learning since we moved here to Penang. But I really want continue learning since God seems to be opening so many doors for me in the dancing world; I'm probably meant to do something here whether I really want to or not. 
What I know is if I just continue to follow and obey God, I've got unlimited possibilities. When I watch the videos of Eauj or Madelle, I really wonder why I had to leave the Philippines and be here in Penang, where the dancing scene is just starting. (You guys are so goooood! My Idols man!) God has a big plan though. I believe that with all my heart. Hm, take it from me, God may have you do things you've never ever dreamed of doing. Just obey!

I guess it's safe to say now that I am a dancer, hehe and I'm glad I'm one. ;)

There are so many to thank. So many people who helped me at this certain period of my life, but I guess, Lord, you're the one to thank ;)

--Tap Dance Performance VIDEO (Campus Harvest 2005)-- Photos here.
--My first dance competition 1st Round [Pictures, Video]  and Finals [Pictures, Video]

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Out of Time?

Wow. I've never been so busy.
I'm almost never home anymore... and when I am home, I'm have to email someone or finish homework!
My schedule will probably just get busier and busier...

But fortunately, I'm having fun. I'm not stuck at home most of the time anymore. I like going out...

Well, just a few updates on ME. Yeah, for those of you I don't get to see online much.

I'm a form 4 student (Junior Year)
Taking the Arts stream (includes subjects: English, Modern Math, Combined Science, Business Studies, Accounting, Geography, Visual Arts, and Bahasa Melayu (local language here in Malaysia).

I'm also the "El Presidente" of the Student Council of Sri Pelita... and even if our school is so small... it still is tiring.

Hahah, I'm trying to force myself to write this blog so I can update you people (if you are actually interested in knowing).
Though, I used to email people a lot... but that takes up more time.
(I'm might start doing that again... It's more personal... I get to say more stuff.)

Haha, well, I just came from a Ping Pong Competition today (Feb 25, 2008). And for those of you who know me... I'm not the best at it. It was funny. I lost my game. But the good thing is, it was a team event. So my lose didn't really affect anything since Ben Saw and Joel Soo (classmates from Sri Pelita) are so good in ping pong!! We got gold in the end. hahaha, the doubles event is tomorrow! So, lets see how that goes.

Hm, I've been going to the gym too. But only taking the dance/bodypump classes and running... I had a 2 month free trial from winning 3rd place at the Dance Competition last Dec. But this is already my last week. Still thinking if I should register or not.

I'm off to Cameron Highlands this coming Sunday (March 2, 2008). Will be there for about a week for another school camp. I think it'll be fun. Starting to get excited. (the weather's cold like Baguio! I get to escape the heat of Penang!!!)

I'm missing the Philippines
more than ever now-a-days. But thinking about it, what I actually miss is the company of other Filipinos... and.. hehe, other stuff too.

Anyway, you guys could just email me at .

I'll try to update this as much as posible (read "Possible" in Tagalog, hehe).


Ah, and I've been learning Arabic from my Iraqi classmate, Reem.

Kaifahaluk? Arjuk ateeny mota taib hassa! ;)

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Just For A Moment

Clock ticking. Time flying by.
Plans being made. Expectations to meet.
Things to be completed. Deadlines to meet.
I just ain't strong enough. I don't got what it takes.

I need a break. Even Just for a while.
A time to relax; breathe
There must be a fountain... flowing with rest.
Even for a moment, I'd give a lot.

Just for a moment; just for a moment.

Photography: Just For a Moment
By: Jose A Henson
Written by: Jose A Henson
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