Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I feel bad for this blog... (And about Thailand)

... I really do.

I keep telling myself to blog consistently, but I never do.
Anywho! I just got back from Hat Yai, Thailand and I had fun. It was my first time in Thailand.
We hired a van that came with a driver that drove us (No, duh) across the border and into the city of Hat Yai about an hour and a half from the Malaysia-Thailand border.
We left Penang last Thursday morning– at about 630am, 7am? We watched the sunrise from the van and the air-conditioning was cold. The trip took about 4 hours. By the time we reached Hat Yai, it was almost lunch. So we just checked in and walk around town looking for Green Curry but instead had Pork Leg. By the end of the trip we'd had Pork almost every single meal (Yes, it's that good! Like really good Crispy Pata!!) and we never found our Green Thai Curry. Fail.

The girls Jon and I accompanied were Jenny's classmates. They had to film a documentary for their final project in school. Jonathan and I were supposedly gonna be their "body guards" but at the last minute, something came up and Jenny couldn't go anymore. But since we'd already paid for the transportation and hotel, we (Jon and me) still decided to go even if Jenny wasn't with us and we were the only guys, heh. So I guess we were their body guards?

The entire trip didn't cost more than RM400. Of course it depends also on how much shopping you do--I barely shopped. I spent most of my money on FOOD. Gosh, we ate A whole LOT (of pork, hahah!). We stayed at the Golden Crown Plaza. And went to Songkhla twice. The second time we went we took a tuk-tuk (A really small, tiny version of a Jeepney). Now that was fun, sticking our heads out the windows and hanging from the back

Me and Cindy Leow
We spent the entire Saturday afternoon there and got badly sunburned. OK, maybe not that bad but my back and face were really red and my arms and legs got really DARK. The next day our backs or faces didn't hurt. I didn't peal, so yeah, it wasn't that bad.

Songkhla Beach
Here are a few places of interest:

The third largest reclining Buddah
Klong Hae Floating Market
Klong Hae Floating Market view from the bridge
Night Market - Eating again, haha!
And of course, the highlight of my trip was eating a scorpion! That same night we also ate maggots, grasshoppers, crickets, and two types of beetles. Though, nothing came close to this.

Before tackling the mountain, haha


'Twas a good trip. Let's go again?


Anne said...

You should see your face Joe! hahaha... Did you eat at Log Terrace? There's some great "Crispy Pata" there. =)

tontonito said...

I can see my face! Wait, what are you talking about exactly? hahah
Oh, no, we didn't know about Log Terrace. Oh well, I guess we'll have to back and try it! (I'm really craving it at the moment!!) yuum yummm

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