Friday, May 14, 2010

New pictures.

This is my balog entry, a.k.a. my blog entry, for today.
(Sorry, only Elle would get that)

The Sound Board

Today. What can I say about today?

I woke up late then took note of my mental-note-to-self "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day" after which I got myself a bowl of cereal.

Aside from playing lego with Sabina, nothing much happened.

At first I wanted this to be my sort-of "journal". Don't think that would work out as I can't seem to get myself to write what I really feel and think.

I started reading "Anne Frank: The Diary of A Young Girl". I saw it on the "2nd Item at 50% OFF" rack in the bookstore and without even thinking, impulsively as you would say, I bought it. The second book that I got at half price was Roald Dahl's "Danny the Champion of the World". I was hoping that Sabina, my sister, would take fancy and read it. Instead, she said it looked, looks, boring and won't even bother trying to read it. Fail. I did want to read anyway. So it wasn't a total waste.

Anyhow, Anne Frank's story is so... interesting. I haven't finished it yet (and I don't think I'll ever finish it) but... man, I can't even imagine being in her shoes, experiencing what she experienced. She disappeared, or went into hiding, when she was thirteen; she was in hiding till she was fifteen and she passed before she was even sixteen.

Back to me writing a journal: I don't think I can write like her at all, haha. It's so intriguing reading her 'letters' because before she was in the Secret Annex and her first year or so, you can tell she's still a girl. But as time passes, her entries become more complex and her thought patterns change drastically. She had to grow up all of a sudden. In a way, her childhood was stolen from her.

Kind-of like Hit Girl from "Kick-Ass". I don't recommend you to watch it. But just to say, I loved it.

[It's a pity that Chloƫ Moretz is so young. But six years ain't that bad, right? Eh, it is bad, Joe]

Mindy Macready, aka HitGirl, Chloƫ Moretz's character in the movie, was also deprived of a childhood.

I realized that so many kids these days must be deprived of a childhood. So many of us probably had to grow up right away.

Anyway, I can't really write as well as Anne Frank.
To all young girls in your tweens, I suggest you read the book; you'll find that you're not alone.

Even for a guy, some... a lot, of the things that she went through (in areas of identity especially) I can identify with.


Shifting gears, remember that film camera I bought? The one that had an underwater case too? Well, I finally develop (had it developed) my first roll.

The first picture in this entry is from that same roll.

Here are more:

Sabina. I love it!

We had to do this shot twice. I forgot to wind it up and I had to ask her to swim towards me again, hehe.

Luis, front flip.

Note: keep your fingers away from the lens and hold the camera properly. heh.
Sabina's doing the Brother Eddie pose.

And lastly, the sun and our backyard.


Nicole Y said...

Read Danny The Champion of The World then if you can't finish Anne Frank! It's one of my all time favourites. As for Anne, reminds me of how I accidentally left the book with her portrait on the cover on the highest shelf of my room so she stares down on me every day when I was home in Penang... It got kinda creepy. Gotta remember to take it down when I get back.

P.S - Love Chloe Moretz!

Chrina said...

Write more blogs, joe!!

jun said...

joe!! droppin' some lurve. hahaha.

great post! i enjoy reading ur blog. =D it's easy reading and insightful. i started reading anne frank a few years ago, and i still haven't finished it. hee!! but it's true how her thought pattern changes as the days passed. =p

tontonito said...

@Nicole: Haha! Not the best person to be staring down on you everyday! Hahah Not that she's not pleasant or anything... eh, you know what I mean LOL

@Chrina & @Jun: Thanks for the support!!!

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