Thursday, April 22, 2010

Tooth Ache.

I have a cavity. Yes, I do. AHhh, it hurts even now... Sorry, you probably didn't need or more like want to know that. But there it is, out in the open, he he.

Ah! I'm looking forward to my trip to the dentist. I know most people hate the dentist, but I would love to sit under his tools and light and gloves and all sorts of nasty smelling medicines and stuff right now.  I just can't wait for him to finish up and finally let me gargle the foul stuff away! Then, I can eat in peace. And SLEEP! Ha, ha, ha, so enough about that *in Rex Navarete's voice and accent: "But enough about me"*

No, I take that back; more about me! I just swam with Sabina and Luis and snapped some pictures with my new camera. (If you don't know which camera I'm talking about check my previous post--I posted a picture). The weather was actually perfect for a swim: the sun was high in the sky, the wind fancied a soft gentle breeze and the birds sang overhead. The fountain was running, splashing as it does all the time and the water, not as clean as I would want it to be, was very refreshing.

Today started late for me, to be precise. My mom was in the room when I woke and Jonathan was all packed and ready to go. I hurriedly, yet thoroughly, washed my face, brushed my teeth and got dressed. We then, along with Sabina, headed to the airport to send Jon off to Taiwan (Yes Jun, the land of the 'lalas' he he!). He'll be there for about a week. It's a school trip and he'll be doing all sorts of tourist-y things with the rest of his course mates. They'll have to write several reports on the trip, I think. Hee, unfair. Laugh out loud.

After the airport, went to the grocery with my mom, then picked Luis up from school. Finally got hom before four. (ah, my tooth hurts, again.)

So that's today.


It has been six months since I graduated from High School. Yes, six months.
I'm starting to feel that I must start doing something again (hence the blogging, haha). Yes, I did work the whole month of January for Patric Chan, but I feel... feel like I'm slowly wasting away.

I may be over exaggerating, but at times, that is what I feel. Dad's been in the US since early last month (4th March) and he'll be back next week (1st May). And as I've mentioned, I'm not yet studying (and not working) so I've been home all this while; doing nothing in particular save watch videos, read books and play with Sabina (my younger sister by ten years).

I've been asking God (Yes, I do believe in a higher power, heheh) why I've been just doing nothing. But recently, I've come to realize that me being at home all this while, I guess, was mainly to keep my mom company and to help her out with the daily stresses of home, ha ha. I'm sure there's more to it than that, but I'm content with that reason for now. Aside from waiting for the His perfect time, there's nothing much I can do but be content and make the most of my time.

Well there you go, that's my blog entry for today. I don't know if you people will really read this and take interest in this ramble, haha. But according to your comments, my life ain't, probably, that boring eh?


Today's highlight: --> Having a hard time transforming your ideas to a tangible piece of art? This site is an attempt by several different poets and artists to provide a helpful resource for filmmakers, musicians, photographers, actors, playwrights, and poets. Read more about this site here.


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