Monday, September 27, 2010

Black Hole

Here's another one from last year.


There is a black hole in the deepest depths of my soul
Slowly suffocating my very liveliness

With common acquaintances, a long-sensed vacancy I try to occupy...
But the gesture comes to no avail.

Yes, I do know.
And I do try to reach up...

Though the speech that is meant to reach the unreachable
Is only but diverted back;
Pulled not only by gravity
But also by the hurts and let-downs
That eat up the very core of my mimicked identity

Kings and poets, heroes and heroines
Martyrs and saints, captives, no-bodies
All speak of an undying Love; the undying Love

I say: I do believe, I do believe.

Yet, why is it that the throbbing pain is still felt so frequently? Why are so many of my sleepless nights filled with despair and loneliness?

Oh, God of Heaven, Ruler of the seas
Creator of the skies, Maker of the universe,

You are Love, that's who you are...

A friend and shepherd, the best there is
A lover and a father, I need you to
Be close to me forever, please
Do not allow this mere collection of roughly ordered words
Remain as they are

Let them reach your very heart,
I pray
That you set your eyes on me.
Please do not, I beg, turn Your face away.

With even just your littlest finger,
touch me; hold me... a little bit closer
That I may taste again, feel once more, 
Your comforting, fulfilling Love.

'I am here' You say: 'I am here.
'I will never leave you nor forsake You'

I am not worthy, I say
But You love me anyway

This promise is old; ancient it is.
But still You say: 'I will never change.
'I am the same yesterday, today and forever.'

Can this be true? Oh, can this be true?
That he will stay no matter what
When all is faint and all is lost

When troubles come and triumphs go,
Will He still remain?


He will.

 so tell me when You hear my heart stopYou’re the only one to know (via. bombinabirdcage:)


ly1712 said...

why so emo henson ;(

tontonito said...

This was last year, heh.

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